Σετ Εικονίτσα Με Χειροποίητο Μπρελόκ / Γούρι
Icon set with handmade keyring with paper mache beads.
Παναγία με τα Επτά Σπαθιά (Επτάσπαθη , Παναγία των Θλίψεων) Χειροποίητη Εικόνα Σε Ξύλο
Σύμφωνα με την Ορθόδοξη Ρωσική παράδοση η τόσο σπάνια αυτή απεικόνιση της Παναγίας συμβολίζει την εκπλήρωση της προφητείας του Δίκαιου Γέροντα Συμεών: “Ιδού ούτος κείται εις πτώσιν και ανάστασιν πολλών εν τω Ισραήλ και εις σημείον αντιλεγόμενον και σου δε αυτής την ψυχήν διελεύσεται ρομφαία, όπως αν αποκαλυφθώσιν εκ πολλών καρδιών διαλογισμοί”
Αγία Ζώνη της Παναγίας Χειροποίητη Εικόνα 16x19cm
According to tradition, the Holy Belt was made by the Theotokos herself from camel hair and was handed over to the Apostle Thomas after her Assumption. During the reign of the emperor Arkadius, the Holy Belt was transported to Constantinople where it was placed in an exceptional reliquary called "Agia Soros".
Synaxis of the Archangels Handmade Orthodox Icon 13x21cm
According to church tradition the Angels were the first creative act of God. When Eusphorus rebelled against God and was led to fall with an Order of Angels, all the Holy Angels gathered to express their faith to the Creator.
Jesus Christ Handmade Wooden Orthodox Icon 16x24cm
Jesus Christ Handmade Icon In Wood with gold leaves
Jesus Christ Blessings Handmade Icon In Wood 22x30cm
Jesus Christ Blessings Handmade Icon In Wood with gold leaves
Handmade Icon of Panagia Glykofilousa 12x14cm
Its wonderful story is connected with the tragic period of the iconoclasm: At the beginning of the 9th century in Constantinople, a pious woman named Victoria had in her house the icon of Virgin Mary Glykophilousa. Fearing the attitude of the iconoclasts towards the icons but also the punishments they imposed on those Christians who had icons, she decided to hide the icon in order to save it from destruction.
Η Ανάσταση Του Κυρίου Χειροποίητη Εικόνα Σε Ξύλο 16x22cm
Η Ανάσταση θεωρείται ως η δια του Σταυρού νίκη της ζωής επί του θανάτου και ως στάση δηλώνει εξέγερση, δηλώνει την αρχή της νέας δημιουργίας, του καινούργιου κόσμου. Η Ανάσταση του Ιησού Χριστού συχνά χαρακτηρίζεται και ως «εορτή εορτών» και «πανήγυρις πανηγύρεων», διότι αποτελεί το μεγαλύτερο γεγονός μέσα στην ιστορία του ανθρώπου.
Jesus Christ Blessings Handmade Image In Wood 22x30cm
Handmade aged image of Jesus Christ on wood, with relief elements decorated with clay, modeling paste and aging wax.
Saint John the Forerunner Handmade Greek Orthodox Icon 16x25cm
Saint John the Baptist was the son of the priest Zacharias and Elizabeth. He was named Forerunner because by his word he prepared the way of Jesus Christ and Baptist because he baptized Christians in the Jordan River. She was a relative of Christ and lived an ascetic life in the desert. He preached the Word of God with passion and criticized the immorality and Pharisaism of the time. In fact, he did not hesitate to harshly criticize the ruler of Judea, Herod Antipas, who had an illicit relationship with Herodias, his brother's husband. Saint John was imprisoned for his action by Herod Antipas and at the urging of Salome, daughter of Herodias, his beheading was ordered. The Forerunner was buried in the city of Sevasti and the Holy Hand of the Baptist was transported to Constantinople where it was placed in the imperial palaces. The memory of the last and greatest prophet of the Old Testament is honored by the Orthodox Christian Church on January 7 of each year.
Άγιος Παΐσιος ο Αγιορείτης Χειροποίητη Εικόνα Σε Ξύλο 14x20cm
Saint Paisios, known as Arsenios Eznepidis, was born in Farasa, Cappadocia, on July 25, 1924 AD. His mother's name was Eulambia and his father Prodromos was mayor of Farasa. He was baptized a Christian by Saint Arsenios of Cappadocia on August 7, 1924 AD. With the exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey, he settled with his parents in Konitsa. He worked as a carpenter and in 1945 enlisted in the army.
Mini Hanging Orthodox Icons – Beaded Charms
Mini Hanging Orthodox Icons – Beaded Charms
Material: Wood, Beads
Dimensions 3x5cm