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Saints Cyprian and Justina Icon Set with Incense and Charcoal - Orthodox Gift Set


Saints Cyprian and Justina Icon Set with Incense and Charcoal - Orthodox Gift Set

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Saints Cyprian and Justina Icon Set with Incense and Charcoal - Orthodox Gift Set

Saint Cyprian lived in the 3rd century AD. and came from a wealthy Carthaginian family. As a pagan he was a famous magician of his time and according to some biographers he communicated with Satan. Saint Justina came from Antioch and was originally a pagan. But when she heard about Christ from a deacon, she believed in Him and was baptized a Christian. A young man named Aglaidas fell madly in love with her but she rejected him because she wanted to dedicate her life to Jesus Christ. Aglaidas then turned to Cyprian, in order to make Justina his own with the power of evil spirits. As soon as Cyprian realized that his spells were powerless in front of the Saint, he burned the pagan books and was baptized a Christian. Later the people elected him Bishop of Carthage. From the position of Bishop he showed apostolic zeal and ordained Justina a deacon and abbess.

When persecutions against Christians began by King Decius, the Saints were led before him and confessed their faith in Christ. As a result, they tortured horrifically and was beheaded. Part of the skull of Saint Cyprian is located in the homonymous Church of Menikos in Nicosia. The skull of Saint Justina is located in the Monastery of Panachrantos in Andros. The Church celebrates their memory on October 2 of each year.


1 Wooden Mini Icon 3x5cm

25gr Black Incense of Saint Cyprian

6 Charchoals


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Άγιοι Κυπριανός και Ιουστίνη Εικονίτσα Σετ Με Λιβάνι Και Καρβουνάκια
Saints Cyprian and Justina Icon Set with Incense and Charcoal - Orthodox Gift Set