Φυτιλάκια Μελισσοκέρι Όρος by Greative
Φυτιλάκια Μελισσοκέρι Όρος by Greative
Φυτιλάκια Μελισσοκέρι με καντηλήθρα
Καθαρό Βάρος: 20gr
Handmade Icon of Saint Constantine the Great | Imitation of Apostle | Orthodox Religious Art on Wood | Christian Wall Decor | Unique Faith Gift
Saint Constantine was born in 274 AD. and was a military man by profession. He was distinguished for his bravery and rose very quickly to senior positions. With God's help he defeated his enemies and moved the capital of the Roman state to Constantinople. He sent his mother Helen to the Holy Land to find the Holy Cross. He was the first Roman emperor to embrace Christianity. Shortly before his death he was baptized a Christian. He died in peace in 327 AD at the age of 63.
The Nativity of Jesus Christ Handmade Orthodox Wooden Icon 14x21cm
The Orthodox Christian Church celebrates the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ by the Blessed Virgin Mary on December 25 of each year. Joseph and the pregnant Mary set out for Bethlehem to be counted, following an order issued by Caesar Augustus for a census of the population of the Roman state. When they arrived in Bethlehem, they could not find a place to rest, except for a poor cave. There the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ and put him in the manger of the horses. Since then, all pious Christians have sung the following hymn: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace".
Christ, Man of Sorrows Handmade Wooden Greek Orthodox Icon, Christian Art 14x21cm
The icon of the Christ, Man of Sorrows (Extreme Humility) is a symbol of the Passion, which leads to the final humiliation of Christ and his death on the Cross for the sake of man's sins. Christ as Savior gives his battle on the Cross to redeem man from his spiritual death due to his alienation from God. Inside the Tomb is deposited with the Burial and with the Resurrection comes the Love that overcame death. In there the marriage of Christ with the Church took place. The Resurrection of Christ from the tomb is likened to a wedding by Saint John Chrysostom.
Jesus Christ Nimfios Handmade Wooden Orthodox Icon 15x33cm
Jesus Christ Nimfios Handmade Wooden Orthodox Icon 15x33cm
Άγιος Νικόλαος Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μύρων Χειροποίητη Εικόνα Σε Ξύλο
Saint Nicholas was born in Patara of Lycia in 270 AD. by wealthy but pious parents. After distributing his possessions to the poor, he was ordained a priest and then ascended to the archbishopric throne of Myra in Lycia. From his high position he fought for the spread of Christianity, a fact that infuriated the pagans who tortured and imprisoned him.
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Γαρδένια Ά 50gr Όρος by Greative
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Γαρδένια Ά 50gr Όρος by Greative
Άρωμα: Γαρδένια
Ποιότητα: Ά
Καθαρό Βάρος: 50gr
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Μύρο ΆΑΑ 50gr Όρος by Greative
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Μύρο ΆΑΑ Όρος by Greative
Άρωμα: Μύρο
Ποιότητα: ΆΑΑ
Καθαρό Βάρος: 50gr
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Γιασεμί Ά 50gr Όρος by Greative
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Γιασεμί Ά 50gr Όρος by Greative
Άρωμα: Γιασεμί
Ποιότητα: Ά
Καθαρό Βάρος: 50gr
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Τριαντάφυλλο Ά 50gr Όρος by Greative
Μοσχοθυμίαμα Τριαντάφυλλο Ά 50gr Όρος by Greative
Άρωμα: Τριαντάφυλλο
Ποιότητα: Ά
Καθαρό Βάρος: 50gr
Μαύρο Λιβάνι Αγίου Κυπριανού ‘ΑΑΑ 100gr Όρος by Greative
Μαύρο Λιβάνι Αγίου Κυπριανού ΑΑΑ Όρος By Greative
Ανακαλύψτε το Μαύρο Λιβάνι, γνωστό και ως Λιβάνι του Αγίου Κυπριανού, είναι πολύ ισχυρό για τον καθαρισμό αρνητικής ενέργειας, την εξάλειψη μαγείας και γλωσσοφαγίας.
Άρωμα: Καθαριότητα
Ποιότητα: ΆΑΑ
Καθαρό Βάρος: 100gr-500gr
Διαθεσιμότητα: 5-7 ημέρες
Φυτιλάκια Παραφίνης Κίτρινα Όρος by Greative
Φυτιλάκια Παραφίνης Κίτρινα Όρος by Greative
Κίτρινα φυτιλάκια παραφίνης με καντηλήθρα
Καθαρό Βάρος: 20gr